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Showing posts from July, 2012

My Weekend

A rambling post about nothing much

In Conversation: More disturbing than quirky

We're sitting in the cinema, waiting for Spiderman to start, and an ad gor the new Twilight movie comes on. The 10ish year old boy in front of us turns to his mum and says "I've seen one of those movies" to which his mum replies scoffingly "no. You haven't" "yes I have mum! The first one" he declares "when!?" says his mum, still not believing him "it was on foxtel and dad was watching it so I did too" The look on her face was a classic!

Last Day of Rev :(

Yes yes, this one is late too! But this one is mostly just a plug for the movie The Caretaker (cause it's awesome)

Rev Day Eight (yes I know it's late)

I know Rev is already over but I didn't get a chance to post this from youtube on to the blog so I'm doing it now.

Weekend Recommendations

What you should be watching this weekend! Big thanks to Richard Sowada for letting me use his Mac to upload the video

Rev Day Seven

In the vid I say I'm tweeting from the comfort of my own home, but I meant blogging!!

Rev Day Six

I totally forgot to post this to the blog yesterday! I've been a bit sleepy the last few nights!

Rev Day Five

In Conversation - An Introduction

So I'm adding something else new to my blog. It will be called 'In Conversation' and will be my collection, recollection and interpretation of conversations I have or overhear. I love people watching and am fascinated by the overly loud public conversations that strangers often have. I find myself tuning out of my own conversations desperate to hear every scrap of shared personal lives, opinions and thoughts from people I've never met, and will most likely never see again. I love nothing better than a public, loud and overly emotional disagreement between lovers. I also love the nonsensical conversations I occasionally have with one of my most favourite people in the world when one of us is feeling down. We are both owners of depression and each knows, with unspoken recognition, the darkness that haunts the other. So when we have those moments of blue and black we talk about everything but the darkness and both come away feeling the light shining a little brighter than ...

Rev Day Four & Recommendations for Tuesday

Day Three of Rev

The films we saw today. I was a bit tired and forgetful so I didn't do my recommendations for Monday. There's actually only 5 sessions on Monday and I recommend each and everyone one of them! There's Last Days of the Arctic, Paul Williams, the Color Wheel, the first Crispin Glover Session and Love. If you want to see any of the movies we saw today they are on again on the following days; the Way of the Morris is on Friday at 5pm, Bad Brains is on next Sunday at 8:45pm and Whisperer in the Darkness is on Thursday at 5pm.

Day Two of Rev and my picks for Sunday the 8th

My Rev Day One Wrap Up & Recommendations for the 7th

My first video blog post... It's about love!

Unsent letters: Dear AASP

I'm having one of those nights that I sometimes have, where the sleep just won't come. They don't happen to often thankfully, and usually only when I've forgotten to take my tablets until late in the day. So I'm lying here staring at the darkness, thinking thoughts And remembering memories so I thought I'd blog. Dear AASP, I suppose this isn't really an unsent letter because I know you're going to read it, you asked for it in fact. I wasn't going to write it, because I like to be contrary and not do the things I've been asked to do. But as I lay here waiting for the sleep that is evading me I thought of all the things I wanted to say to you. There are so many things, especially for a mind that often dwells on the past, mulling over past mistakes, past indiscretions, the moments of my life I'm not proudest of. The dark voice never lets me forget those I've hurt. I'm sure I hurt you, how could it not have hurt? Yet in the last few days ...