Because Alan & I are starting a new business and I will be running the office side of it from home we have decided to make a concerted effort to tidy up our study/office. Part of that process involves me going through boxes and boxes of crap, throwing away the rubbish and finding homes for the lucky possessions that escape disposal. This is a big deal for me because I was raised by a single mother who is a hoarder. She is still a hoarder and despite being a neat freak continues to hold on to Better Homes & Gardens Magazines from 1985 because one day she might like to go back and read them. This has, of course, led to me being a hoarder as well. I say of course but I suppose it is like anything, it could have gone one of two ways, it could have left me a complete minimalist who despised the thought of hoarding even the smallest item or it could have (and did) result in me being a hoarder to the extreme as well. This time however, I decided to be ruthless. My hoarding does not ma...
this is how i see the world