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Showing posts from December, 2010

How my brain works

Firstly let me say up front that I did not in any way write this blog post as a way of seeking validation. I never write with an expectation of response, i write only for the sole purpose of getting my thoughts out of my head and offering some support/understanding for others who suffer from similar mental health issues/self esteem problems My whole life, due to bullying and never quite belonging or fitting in, I have established for myself the default position that I am not liked. When I meet people I automatically assume that they don't like me. I believe myself to be unlikable and know that because I doubt myself I can sometimes come across as snobby or stand offish. Despite my determination to not care what people think of me, I care desperately about how I am judged by others and presume that once I have been measured I will be found lacking. Even if people seem to like me to begin with, I believe that once they get to know me they will realize their mistake and move on. I don...

Day Twenty Five

what I would find in your bag Most likely a combination of the following Purse Another purse with all my membership/loyalty cards in it A coin purse Mobile phone iPod iPad Nintendo DS Diary Pens Pencils Earphones Notebook Post-it Notes A book Chewing Gum Salt Packets from McDonald/Chicken Treat Straws Toys Tissues (used and otherwise) Muesli Bars Keys Hair ties / clips Sunglasses 3D Glasses Receipts Scraps of paper Notes from School I think that about covers the regular stuff... no wonder my bag is so freakin heavy!

Day 24 (after a long break)

a letter to your parents I have had a bit of a break from the blogging. We have had lots going on in our lives with the purchase of a new business, a trip over east for training, the holiday season fast approaching and general day to day life with three kids. I would like to say the break in my blogging was totally due to being busy but that would be a lie. Every time I think about writing my blog I remember that day 24's post is a letter to my parents and I put it off. I have complicated relationships with my parents, and sharing my thoughts and feelings about those relationships with the whole world, including family members seems daunting. I have, however, decided to finally bite the bullet and complete day 24's post so I can move on with the challenge. So here goes nothing... Dear Mum & Dad  Firstly I want you both to know that I love you very much and I hope that nothing I say in this letter upsets you or makes you feel that you have failed as a parent. I have very di...