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Showing posts from January, 2012

Unsent Letters: Christians

Dear ALL THE CHRISTIANS First let me say I don't dislike all Christians. I know some very lovely people who happen to identify themselves as Christian. Religion is not generally something I think about when I am assessing a person and I don't usually categorize someone by their religion. I do however categorize them by their words and their actions. I don't like extremism of any kind whether it be Christian, Muslim, Islam, Feminism, Unionism etc. I'd also like to say that I am not an Atheist (so sorry, that argument isn't going to work). I believe in god, or the universe, or that there is something more to the world than what we can see and touch. I'm not sure what that god looks like I have some general ideas but I have pretty firm beliefs as to what he doesn't look like. I don't believe that god ( I will use that word for now as it is the easiest identifier) would want people to kill each other because one group of people believes in one depictio...

the HSP

I love that after knowing each other for  nearly 23 years and being married for almost 10 my husband shaped person can still say and do things that surprise me. I love that he still gives me butterflies in my stomach. I love that I still enjoy kissing him, cuddling with him, or even just sitting next to him watching TV. I still adore the way his eyes sparkle when he smiles and the way he holds my hand. I love his brains, his sense of humour, his damn sexy good looks. I love that he gets me, that he supports me, that he comforts me, that he touches me. I could ask for no better husband shaped person. Happy birthday darling husband! Love you lots, AHAW xxx

Confessions of a Fat Girl: 1 Million Kilo Challenge

A little over three weeks ago I blogged about my struggles with my weight and almost four weeks ago I gave up coca-cola in an attempt to beat my addiction and live a healthier life. I admit that I thought when I stopped drinking coke that the weight would just fall off. That was probably a little bit optimistic and not at all realistic of me. The weight hasn't fallen off and I have lost between 1 and 2 kilos depending when I weigh myself. I have been trying to eat healthier as well but obviously I haven't been trying hard enough. I also haven't been exercising. This week sees the kids return to school, something we are all looking forward to, and hopefully this will allow me to start getting into a better routine with the house, cleaning, working, blogging and most importantly eating properly and exercising. In order to get me on the right track and take some of the thinking out of the process I have signed up for the 1 Million Kilo Challenge . Don't worry, I don...

The Daily 11

I was tagged in the Daily 11 by Me from My Journey - Am I There Yet? . I hope you enjoy these random facts about me  The Rules : Post the rules You must post 11 random things about yourself Answer the questions set for you in this post Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer Go to their  blog and tell them you have tagged them No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this" - you legitimately have to tag 11 people ( However if I haven't tagged you and you would like to play along just leave a comment with your blog address and I will add you to my list of tagged peeps) 11  Random Things About Tif : Apart from my gorgeous Mum and beautiful Nanna, my two role models for being a woman are Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe I still have the He-Man toys and Castles I owned as a child I secretly want to be a police officer (but would totes be too fat and unhealthy to get in) I am addicted to television. I lo...

World Domination and the Darkness

"Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?" "The same thing we do every night Pinky -  try to take over the world!" Two things are clear to me , I love that cartoon and Brain never suffered from depression. You see it's much easier to try to take over the world if you don't have to use every ounce of motivation and determination in your body to get out of bed each morning. If Brain had suffered from depression it is likely he may have given up his plan after the first failure. For even the smallest hurdle can, to a depressive, seem like an insurmountable barrier. Now don't get me wrong, there are lots of depressed people who have achieved all sorts of amazing things. World domination while depressed is not completely impossible its just a hell of a lot harder. Before people start accusing me of being a whiner and making excuses I would first ask those people a) do you currently have or have you ever depression? and b) can you shut your stupid...

I'm excited

I am so very excited right now. I weighed in today. I am now officially below my imaginary line again. 99.3kgs baby! That's a 1.2kg loss in my first week Now just gotta keep up the momentum!

Confessions of a Fat Girl

I have been concerned about my weight and appearance ever since I was 12. I was teased in primary school for being fat and called names like porky. Here is a picture from my Year 7 Graduation to illustrate how fat and disgusting I was I say fat and disgusting because I truly believed when I was 12 that I was some hideously fat monster that no boy would ever want to kiss, no boy would ever want to go out with, no boy would ever love. It makes me so sad looking at this photo to know that I was so slim, so pretty, my life should have been full of wonder and possibility. Instead I began my journey down the long dark road that has led me to the depths of depression and an obsession with my weight (but thankfully never an eating disorder) and today it has led me to make this confession... I am currently the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life. I have eaten myself to the weight I never wanted to be. I am the exact thing I was teased for being. Along with the fact that I don...