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Showing posts from March, 2012

It's not them, its me

As the mother of Bob, Pete and Burley I am more than familiar with the stress of getting children ready for their day at school. I have had my fair share of mornings that involved me screaming at the kids, them screaming at me, them screaming at each other, everyone ending up grumpy and running late, and me feeling like the worst mother in the world for two hours after they had gone to school. Yet I felt there must be some better way, a way that would mean everyone went about their day feeling happy and calm. Since giving up my workaholic ways 2 years ago I have been struggling to do normal everyday things. Getting out of bed is one of those things. In the second half of last year it was rare for me to make it out of bed before 8, and only then to make myself presentable to drop the kids at school. It was left up to the #HSP to get himself and everyone ready, a task he did because he loves and supports me, but a task he did not enjoy. It was stressful for him, stressful for them and ...

A Celebration of International Women's Day (or a post where I ramble)

So for those of you that live under a rock (as I usually do), today is International Women's Day. A day to celebrate the struggle of women before us and to celebrate our achievements and successes.  In honour of the women who came before us I would like to acknowledge the women who make a difference in my life. Here they are in no particular order: My Mum, Valerie - there is no one I admire more than her. She sacrificed so much for me and never once made me feel like she was doing it begrudgingly. She taught me what it is to be a women and a mother. She taught me to be independent, brave, loyal, funny, good at Yahtzee and to see both sides of every argument. She taught me that it is not people's position or title that matters but the content of their character. She taught me empathy and sympathy, she taught me to cook! We do not always agree and sometimes we fight but she also taught me the gift of forgiveness. She is pretty ace! My Nana, Pat - she's watching me fro...

Here I am

I have been struggling to blog regularly lately. I have been in the bottom of my perpetually fluctuating depression cycle and we have had much boring drama in our lives that isn't helping. I have had numerous blog post ideas floating around in my head for weeks but just haven't gotten around to sitting down and writing them! The last few weeks I have been feeling overly emotional and have been worried about blogging lest I write something that upsets someone (we all know how much I hate doing that!). In the coming weeks though there will be posts about extended family, parenting, school mornings, weight loss, health, exercise, bullying, postcards, movies and books. Now I just have to write them ;)