I have been struggling to blog regularly lately. I have been in the bottom of my perpetually fluctuating depression cycle and we have had much boring drama in our lives that isn't helping. I have had numerous blog post ideas floating around in my head for weeks but just haven't gotten around to sitting down and writing them!
The last few weeks I have been feeling overly emotional and have been worried about blogging lest I write something that upsets someone (we all know how much I hate doing that!). In the coming weeks though there will be posts about extended family, parenting, school mornings, weight loss, health, exercise, bullying, postcards, movies and books. Now I just have to write them ;)
The last few weeks I have been feeling overly emotional and have been worried about blogging lest I write something that upsets someone (we all know how much I hate doing that!). In the coming weeks though there will be posts about extended family, parenting, school mornings, weight loss, health, exercise, bullying, postcards, movies and books. Now I just have to write them ;)
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