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Day One

A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

So thats a picture I took on Friday just before I headed off to a wedding

Now for the "interesting" facts...

1. I have a birthmark in the colored part of my eye... my eyes are blue but the birthmark is a brown spot

2. My husband and I had a surprise wedding, it was a birthday party for my daughter's fourth birthday and we stood up half way through and announced we were getting married

3. I have known my husband since we were 10 years old and I have been in love with him since the first day I met him!

4. I prescribe to no religion in particular but believe in a higher power and the power of the universe as well as the concept of karma. I paradoxically believe in both fate and free will, I believe that we make our own decisions and guide our own path but that there are certain events and lessons in life that will happen regardless of our actions.

5. I suffer from chronic depression and have done since I was about 13. Somedays I struggle simply just to function but find the strength to carry on from my husband, kids, mum, family and friends.

6. I am a fiercely loyal friend and would do anything, absolutely anything, for the people I care about

7. I have started 6 degrees and never finished any of them... I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up

8. One of my favorite saying is "I love you in the face" which I occasionally shorten to face love when I'm feeling lazy... I think its Kacy's fault, her and her damn love for Grum's face!

9. I adore film and am probably a bit of a movie whore... I enjoy even the worst movies and can always find something to love about most of the movies I see... I have a dream of being a movie reviewer but know that I would probably suck at it because I love all movies and would struggle to be objective!

10. I grew up in Darwin which is one of the best places in the whole world to grow up. I grew up immersed with diverse cultures, traditions, cuisines, languages etc etc and am thankful for how that childhood has contributed to making me the accepting person I am today.

11. I have a little bit of a fetish for thin, sexy, anime men... I blame my Nanna for buying me Captain Harlock on Beta Video when I was little

12. I love receiving things in the mail (that aren't bills or grown up mail) so please feel free to post me things TIffany, PO Box 247, Gosnells WA 6990.

13. I would totally turn lesbian for Angelina Jolie

14. My two favorite books are The Time Travellers Wife and The Little Hut of Leaping Fishes

15. As well as film I also adore music, especially Australian music and would attend every single live show in Perth if I could afford it (and didn't actually enjoy spending time with my kids)

Well thats 15 things... I don't know if they are particularly interesting or not but I struggle to write these sorts of lists... maybe I'll try again later...


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