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Day Two

the meaning behind your blog name

There really isn't a very interesting story behind my blog name... its just my name with my two initials after it (I have a hyphenated surname). So I thought it would be more interesting to give a brief history of my screen and usernames since I began using the internet when I was 17.
My first main user name was Heavenly18 or Heaven-Leigh - I had just finished reading the Virginia Andrews series of books about the Casteel Family, the main character of which was called Heaven-Leigh Casteel. I loved and adored those books so much that I took on the name of the main character and of course added the 18 to indicate my age (even though I was in fact only 17 at the time). I was at Uni and it was my first exposure to the internet. There was so much to explore and discover on this world wide web and my friends and I were still nervous about putting our real selves out there for the world. I remember these days of internet exploration with great fondness, the internet was amazing in its youth, IRC chats and ICQ were new and exciting to me and I even found a Michael Jackson Fan Chat were I met a girl who lived 5 minutes from me and we became good friends for a while.
After a while I decided that Heavenly18 was a bit below my maturity level and changed to just plain old boring tford. It was my first initial and my last name. Boring! Then after I married Alan I slowly started changing my logins to tiffanyff, my first name and the two initials of my new hyphenated surname (Ford-Flynn). I have also used its-me-tif for various things including my other blog over at tumblr. 

My other main username / screen name is fractured angel wings. I don't really remember how it started but I wanted something that indicated that I was nice, but not completely angelic! Therefore my angel wings are slightly fractured because I am not quite perfect!
Its funny to me how my attitude towards the internets has changed since I was 17. I am now a lot more open with personal information and would never dream of using the internet to pretend to be something/someone I'm not. This amuses me because the internet is now probably a lot more dangerous than it used to be when I first started exploring it. 
A lot of people have quirky user names but I've never really had any nicknames apart from tif and that's usually taken or too short when I try and sign up for new stuff. Anyway, that's a brief history of my usernames and usage of the internet. 
See you again tomorrow for day three! :)


  1. LOL. I remember my first internet name from when I was 11... Hercules98_hercules - because I was obsessed with Greek mythology and Kevin Sorbo. ;) (I was 11!)

  2. LOL! the silly things we come up with!


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