I am now two days behind on my 30 Day Challenge... I think that may be because I am up to the write a letter to someone who has hurt you post... I am putting it off because I am trying to decide where to draw the line. What is too personal and will upset my family? What is too personal that people will be uncomfortable reading? I will have a go at it tomorrow I think.
"Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?" "The same thing we do every night Pinky - try to take over the world!" Two things are clear to me , I love that cartoon and Brain never suffered from depression. You see it's much easier to try to take over the world if you don't have to use every ounce of motivation and determination in your body to get out of bed each morning. If Brain had suffered from depression it is likely he may have given up his plan after the first failure. For even the smallest hurdle can, to a depressive, seem like an insurmountable barrier. Now don't get me wrong, there are lots of depressed people who have achieved all sorts of amazing things. World domination while depressed is not completely impossible its just a hell of a lot harder. Before people start accusing me of being a whiner and making excuses I would first ask those people a) do you currently have or have you ever depression? and b) can you shut your stupid...
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