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Revelation Film Festival

So tonight was the much anticipated opening night of the 14th Rev Film Fest. I must admit I was initially a little concerned about the choice of movie (Fire in Babylon) but after seeing it my socks are blown off!

For those who don't know, Rev is the fastest growing independent film festival in Australia with something like 12,000 people expected to attend over the next 10 days. Rev celebrates those films that we wouldn't otherwise get to see, the ones that makes us think about the world in a different way and that challenge and push the boundaries wherever possible. The films are hand picked by the irreverent Jack Sargeant, a man it is hard not to be impressed by. Each feature or documentary screens with a short film, giving us even more opportunity to enjoy the cinematic delights offered up to us by film makers around the world.

There are some stand out must sees for me including Hobo with a Shotgun (starring Rutger Hauer, what more incentive do you need), Charlie Cassanova, LBF, Troll Hunter, The Redemtion of General Butt Naked and after tonight's screening Fire in Babylon. To check out the full program head to you're bound to find something you like the sound of!


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