short term goals for this month and why
the 2010 day eight can be found here
I'm not particularly good at setting goals. I struggle with that whole SMART concept; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely... sounds like hard work to me! I tend to be more of a dreamer and schemer than a goal setter (you're stunned I know). I suppose though that I do have a few short term goals, not that I would really call them that. So here is my list
SHIT I NEED TO DO (aka Goals)
- Make sure I take my anti depressants and my dexamphetamines EVERY day
- Blog
- Attempt to read a book now that I have the new concentration drugs
- Try to get to bed at a reasonable time, at least most nights of the week
- See, talk to, and hug my friends more
- Tell (and show) my family every day that I love them
I'm not sure about the Specific, Measurable and Timely parts, but I'm pretty sure I've got attainable and Relevant covered :)
Fantastic set of goals. I should get back into blogging more often, your blog inspires me to do so. :)
Thanks Kitta! Blogging really can take up a lot of time if you let it, but it can also be so cathartic! *Hugs*