a picture of somewhere you've been to This is such an ambiguous topic for today. I've been to so many place, I go to places all the time! I could share places I've been on holiday, places I go to eat, places we take the kids, the ballet, the theatre, my mums house! These are all somewheres that I've been. So I've decided to be tricky and treat this question metaphorically. I've decided that the picture of the somewhere I've been will be a picture of me at (or close to) my heaviest. At the start of the year I blogged about reaching my heaviest ever and how devastated I was by it. I've made a lot of changes this year, worked hard, lost weight, slacked off, put some back on, tried, given up, tried again, and as of today I'm almost back down to the lightest I've been since having kids (just 4 more kgs to go). So, here's somewhere I've been: You can't see a lot of me I know, but you can see all the extra weight in my face. I h...